Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Android Handset : Parental Control can be Easily Implemented

Android Phones have captivated the imagination of adults and children alike. With variety of available Android apps coupled with advanced features of Android Phones, Kids have been using the phones for most of their daily tasks. But with increase usage, some parents are worried about misuse. It is definitely difficult to track kids activity, if parental control apps are not installed. Hence choose among the various apps available to protect your kids and get rid of your nightmare.

Parental Control

Off late Android mobile devices are becoming talk of the town. Initially the looks of the Android Phones along with the various apps were not attractive for the younger generation. But with aggressive marketing strategies by Android vendors along with the support of Android community, kids are using Android phones extensively.

Some parents also gift Android Smartphone to their kids so that they can enjoy. Actually some surveys have found out that kids like to show off their cool Android Smartphone and at the same time have been using their phones for various tasks. But with increased freedom also comes responsibility. It is quite difficult for the kids to understand this and parents/adults need to step in to draw a line on the Android phone usage.

Since these concerns are well founded, Android makers have developed various apps to help parents implement the control. One of the popular parental control app is Mobile Spy. Installing this app is a simple process and once installed you can track all the activities that your kids do with Android phone. Some of the common things that are captured are incoming and outgoing calls, videos watched, chat messages, pictures shared, videos shared and so on. The list of tracked features is big. In addition the app also throws an alert when kids accessed a blocked application. Armed with so much data parents can also analyze and correct any incorrect actions if needed.

When installing apps, read some forums to see if the apps can be tampered. Android Community is very active and most of your concerns can be easily addressed. Monitoring Software remaining on the mobile is important so that you can track. There are also some apps that use GPS feature to track your kids location. But most of the GPS apps do not provide additional functionality. But you can combine apps functionality to suit your needs.

Other common parental control software’s are SmyleSafe, MobShield, Parental Control by VNG software. The list of software is growing and choose the one that best fits your requirement. Log on to your Android Play Store and implement these apps to get peace of mind. Be mindful that these controls are good for limiting problematic behaviors that can impact your kids. Talk to them if they have any concern. It is better to implement the control rather than worrying about your kids behaviors and well-being.

HTC's next flagship smartphone M7 will be launched soon

HTC next release seems to be exciting the Android market. Having lost in Android Smartphone market to Samsung, the new M7 features are the most talked about. Especially the Ultrapixels camera in a mobile is worth waiting for the surprise.

HTC M7_Probable Model Preview
Image Credit : Google

HTC Next big launch is already created the much-needed buzz in Android world. This buzz gives good marketing platform for HTC, which has seen its market value decline after the Samsung launched its Galaxy series of Smartphone. HTC existing model such as One X and One X+ did not help the Taiwanese company to grow its market share the way it would have expected. For sure older models will pave the way for the new M7, which is sure to be packed with rich features.

When the initial rumors came about this phone, it was reported that the camera would have higher resolution. But according to latest reports the camera will have high value ultrapixel sensor leading to a high-resolution 4.3-megapixel image. Surely this is one feature that can give  Samsung and Apple run for their money.

Since this will be a flagship product from HTC, it is not expected to be any cheaper than the popular phone already available in the market. Though earlier rumors of this phone and the release dates were never confirmed, this time it is different. Already Carphone Warehouse in the UK, and Vodafone in Germany have started selling M7 phones and this quite confirms that rumors will come true this time. HTC boss Peter Chou also hinted about M7 during firm's year-end party in Taipei. Only time will tell us.

Experts who have seen the rise of HTC using Android and then the fall after Samsung superiors Galaxy phones, are doubting HTC ability to impress with M7. HTC has used similar strategy earlier by making its technology superior but it has not reaped any significant benefits. So book  your calendar for Feb. 19 and wait for big launch of HTC M7 in New York and London. Whether the phone is called M7 or something else needs to watched at the launch event. So are you excited?

Android DreamMobile: 2013 Much Awaited launch -Google X Phone

Do you think Google X phone can beat Samsung Galaxy or Apple iPhone popularity? The most watched Android phone has already made the cyber world Crazy. Android smartphone leader Samsung, which partnered with Google to launch the popular Galaxy phone will have to wait and watch,  since Phone X can directly impact its smartphone business.

11Phone X

Google has dominated the Search Engine World. Competitors Yahoo or Bing are still a distant second and need lot of groundwork. On the other side Google is slowly playing a new game. First it promoted Android aggressively and gave jitters to Operating System Grandfather Mr. Microsoft. While Microsoft is yet to recover from this setback and it’s Windows Phone OS is yet to make a significant impact.
Google real competition in Android has been the Apple iOS. The Apple folks not only have a good OS but also with smart design and features are able to command a premium. Samsung Child, Galaxy phones powered by Google Android are tough iPhone/iPad competitors. Besides lot of other vendors have built their business models on Android, but Google is slowly started to take the front seat.
As a first step it acquired Motorola and most important lot of patents. This gave Google the much-needed boost to build its own Mobile hardware empire not fulfilled by Nexus line of phones. Now If rumors are true, the ambitious project 'Google Phone X' is going to be the most awaited turning point for android history that Google Nexus and Samsung Galaxy lovers can watch for. To aid Google crusade, analyst are questioning the ability of Apple Corporation to be as innovative as during Steve Era.
Though there have been no official confirmation about this Google-Motorola project, online news channel quickly caught the Motorola job posting for Phone X. Though the advertisement for recruitment was removed and re-posted without Phone X description, it has triggered a debate. It is widely believed that Google I/O 2013 in June will be the event to watch. Various agencies (competitors/partners) are waiting for Google to announce phone X.
With the skills possessed by Motorola team and the core competency of Google, Phone X is definitely the biggest Android release to watch for in 2013. Personally I do not have much hopes from the phone since expectation can dampen. But i would love to own it since it is rumored to have bendable screen, advanced camera and other top line features that probably can give cut-throat competition to other Smartphone’s in the market. It is also possible that it might revolutionize the next generation of products in mobile World. Patience pays and Phone X hopefully carves itself a rich niche in Android world.