Saturday, June 18, 2016

It is easy to Convert xml to pdf in Adobe 9 and above

As i was filling my passport application, they asked me to fill an pdf document. After filling through the whole set of details, as i was about to upload the doc it threw an error. On analyzing the error, i realized that i should upload only an XML. As i browsed through the options ("Save as", "Save a copy"), i could not figure out the details.

After checking out the version of adobe, i tried to take help of google. But google results also were not helpful as most of them talked about adobe 9

I was disappointed and it was almost midnight. But then i decided to explore the adobe 11 on my own for next 5 minutes before giving it up. To my surprise figuring out the correct option did not take much time. Below screenshot shows how to convert pdf to xml in adobe 11

Have you faced any such issues earlier? Any problems with adobe you have figured out in an easy way? Would like to hear your views.