For last 3
years my blog domain has been auto renewing. But this time the credit card
information got changed and hence auto renewal failed. However during the
process of renewing my domain i learnt lot of new things. i am sharing the
steps on how to rename a blogger domain on Google
Go to
>>this is where it's
complicated and i faced most problems at this step. You are signing in under an
account which is NOT the same as that is used when you sign on to your
Gmail/Blogger accounts. Hence click at the link which says, "sign in
with another email address".<<
The username in some cases will be: if
you have never setup a separate admin account then your admin account will be
If you can't figure out your
password, you can hit "can't access my account" to reset it.
Alternatively for domain, "", you could access
the account reset wizard as
or possibly
You should change "", to your domain URL, to
reset the administrative password for your domain.
you log in, click on the billing icon. Then the page will go to the billing
page. On RIGHT side in "Domain Registration" there is a dollar
"$" symbol that asks to "Verify billing information". Click
this. And Then go to "Billing Settings" to update your payment
your billing account is verified you can click on the same dollar symbol. When
you move the arrow over the symbol it will say access billing information. If
you click on it you can see a page that shows you the transaction history,
billing settings and billing profile. Pay any pending dues. In mine case i had to since my domain renewal had failed.
you can go back to the billing page or click on "back to
subscriptions". Click on the ‘+’ sign that is on the left of
"Domain Registration". Under Renewal options, click on the
change (it is blue color) word and then choose ‘auto renew my contract’.
there will no worry to renew the domain since it will be automatically renewed provided your credit card information does
not change. My ticket with google support is pending for long and when I
researched I found out that most problems started occurring after all data was
moved to Google apps.
When a domain is purchased
through Blogger it automatically creates a Admin account called BloggerAdmin.
You can rename the Bloggeradmin by following the below steps